Thursday 31 May 2012

How to use the new Facebook Camera App

Facebook has introduced its own Facebook camera app for iOS devices. This is completely different from Instagram app which they acquired earlier. This Facebook camera app will help Facebook users to access photos easier as well as faster from handheld device itself. It is a big addition for all the Facebook users who wish to browse the photos of their favourite ones from their mobile itself. The app can be downloaded from the App Store.

Features of new Facebook Camera app

•    The app is so user-friendly that you will be able to post a dozen of photos simultaneously
•    You will be also able to browse through the latest photos of your friends in one place itself
•    The app also arrives with filters as well as crops for editing and customizing the photos
•    The app will also allows you to tag your friends as well as add captions
•    You will be also able to see the photos from different applications
How the Facebook camera application works?
First you will have to download the app from the App Store and install it on your mobile. Then open Facebook camera app from your mobile. The first thing that you will see once the app is launched will be thumbnail icon kind view of latest photos from that of your friends posted on Facebook. For getting an enlarged view of any photo, you will have to just click on that photo. For seeing more photos, you will have to swipe it.


One of the most interesting features is the capability to add many photos at the same time. From the range of photos given, you will have to click on the photo to checkmark. Once you checkmark the photos that you wish to post, you will have to tap the ‘Post’ button atlast. This will post all the photos that have been selected. Before sending the photos, captions can be added to add fun element. You can also tell your friend your location and you can even tag your friends in the photos.

The new application not only makes posting photos easier, but also gives you options to edit them and customize to your liking.
You can crop the photo by clicking on the crop tab for resizing as well as modifying the photo. If you want to rotate the photo, then you can make use of the rotate tab. Finally to add any kind of brightness adjustments or giving different visual effects, you can make use of filters option.
Some of the filter options include;
•    Cool
•    Light
•    Emerald
•    Bright
•    Golden
Facebook camera app differences with Instagram
Facebook’s latest camera app even though has much functionality similar to that of Instagram has some differences too.
•    The first thing is that the photo filters option is not that impressive as that of Instagram
•    Instagram houses some of the best photo filters. Facebook camera app filters are mainly focussed on the colour temperature as well as contrast where as the Instagram combines various elements together to give a variety feel for its filter options.
•    One of the major differences in Facebook Camera app compared to Instagram is the presence of uploading capabilities which allows any number of photos posted at the same time.
•    Another difference includes the photo feed capabilities in Facebook which is also much superior compared to that of Instagram
Instagram is more of a photo editing tool, where this new Facebook camera application acts as a photo collaboration tool.
Overall, Facebook Camera app for iOS is a very good package for the Facebook users to have on their iPhone or iPad.

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